Some charts of the New Zealand economy
Graphs by (i) Keith Rankin, (ii) NZ Herald; Data from Statistics New Zealand
Balance of Payments] [Economic Growth] [Expenditure] [Prices] [Wages] [Un/Employment]
Current Account and Capital Account from 1965 [new 20-Oct-2003]
Current Account and Capital Account from 1972 [rev 9-Feb-2003]
Investment Income, payments and receipts from 1972 [rev 9-Feb-2003]
Current Account payments and receipts from 1972 [rev 9-Feb-2003]
Imports and Exports from 1972 [rev 9-Feb-2003]
Balance on Goods, Services and Investment Income from 1972 [rev 9-Feb-2003]
Growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP); ie Economic Growth
GDP growth and GDP growth per capita from 1978 [rev 12-Jan-2003]
GDP growth and Import growth from 1978, with projections [rev 5-Jan-2002]
Growth of Production in Agriculture and Manufacturing [rev 12-Jan-2003]
Growth of the Secondary (Manufacturing, Utilities, Construction) & Service Sectors
[rev 12-Jan-2003]
New Zealand GDP per capita from 1945 [rev 12-Jan-2003]
New Zealand GDP per capita from 1859 [rev 20-Oct-2003]
Quinquennial Economic Growth from 1982 [rev 12-Jan-2003]
Quinquennial Economic Growth from 1860s [rev 20-Oct-2003]
25-Yearly Economic Growth from 1890 [rev 12-Jan-2003]
Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Expenditure on Investment, relative to GDP [rev 27-Jun-2000]
Expenditure on Trade, relative to GDP [new 30-Jun-2000]
Consumer Price (CPI) and Producer Price (PPI) Inflation from 1987 [rev 7-Jan-2003]
NZ CPI Inflation (incl. CPIX and SPI for homeowners) [rev 4-Jan-2003]
Superannuitants' Inflation (SPI) from 1990 [rev 4-Jan-2003]
Beneficiaries' Inflation from 1990 [rev 4-Jan-2003]
GDP Deflators (from 1983 unless otherwise stated)
CPIX versus Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator (from 1991) [new 4-Jul-2000]
GDP and Gross National Expenditure (GNE) Deflators [new 4-Jul-2000]
Consumption Inflation [new 4-Jul-2000]
Consumption Inflation (from 1991) [new 4-Jul-2000]
Investment Inflation [new 4-Jul-2000]
Import and Export Inflation [new 4-Jul-2000]
Import, Export and Consumer Prices from 1970 [rev 5-Jan-2002]
New Zealand's Terms of Trade from 1925 [rev 14-May-2003]
Inflation of Tradeable and Non-tradeable Items in the CPI from 1989 [rev 4-Jan-2003]
New Zealand Price Level from 1850s to present day [rev 12-Jan-2003]
Inflation from 1860s to present day [rev 12-Jan-2003]
Mean Annual Earnings & Hourly Wages (Quarterly Employment Survey) [new 11 July]
Average Hours Worked [new 11 July]
Employment and Unemployment
Post-War Workforce and Employment from 1951 [new 7 Oct 2000]
females; males.
Unemployment from 1951 (based on 1986 census definitions) [new 7 Oct 2000]
Graphics from Press
(NZ Herald unless not otherwise attributed)New Zealand's current account 1998-2002, (28 Mar 2002) [article]
4i tech index, (10 Feb 2001) [article]
4i tech index, (8 Aug 2000) [article]
Business Opinion and Economic Growth, (18 Jul 2000)
MCI from 1983, Frank Pearson, Sunday Star-Times (24 Oct 1999)
Balance of Payments (with projections), Brian Fallow (22 Oct 1999)
New Zealand's trade balance, Brian Fallow (9 Aug 1999)
Productivity of Manufacturing, Brian Fallow (4 Aug 1999)
Economic Growth drives Migration, Brian Gaynor column (24 July 1999)
Left in the Wake; ANZUS sharemarkets from 1984, Brian Gaynor column (17 July 1999)
Declining Incomes & Economic Growth from the 1970s (14 July 1999)
New Zealand Household Incomes 1982-1996 (21 May 1999)
Business Confidence
National Bank Survey: Mar 1999 to Mar 2002, (28 Mar 2002) [article]
Consumer Confidence
Westpac Consumer Confidence Survey: 1989-2002, (26 Mar 2002) [article]